
Cement-based adhesive
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Cement-based adhesive


Main composition:

Mixing agent:


Dry residue:


Drying time:


Shelf life:

Packaging: 20 kg bags made of 2 or 3 layers of kraft paper and 1 layer of polyethylene

Manufacturer: "Evro Construction" LLC

Operating temperature: +5°C to +300°C.

Water-dry mixture ratio: 4 It water/20 kg dry mixture.

Density: 3.0 Mpa 20.0 Mpa 30.0 Mpa

Specific feature:

Structure of matter:

Combustion-ignition rate:

Acid-alkaline coefficient:



Specific weight:

Dry sediment:

Theoretical form of spending:


Minimum temperature:

Maximum temperature:

Maximum relative humidity:

Ideal atmosphere:

Adhesion resistance: 2.0 Mpa

Slip resistance:

Waiting time after mixing:

Intermediate filling time:

Bending resistance limit:

Compressive strength limit:

Usage thickness: 10.0-30.0 mm

Hardening: after the initial 15-30 minutes.

Second layer hardening: after the last 60-90 minutes

It is a one-component floor mixture based on cement, rich in chemical additives, providing a non-porous surface. It is balanced by self-diffusion. Areas of use: It is used to obtain a flat surface before starting to use materials such as wood, laminate, parquet, carpet, PVC, ceramics, and to obtain a surface resistant to abrasion and dusting in warehouses and similar objects. Surface preparation: Care must be taken to ensure that the surface is tested and solid, and the surface must be free of residues that prevent adhesion. If the surface is chipped or rubbed, it should be repaired with a product manufactured in accordance with the standards. The surface must be primed with a BINDER primer to reduce the surface's water absorption and increase its resistance. Preparation of the mixture: Pour 20 kg of dry mixture slowly into 4.0 liters of water and mix until bubbles and air disappear (a low-speed mixer can also be used for mixing). Application:Empty the prepared mixture onto the surface. Use a hedgehog rolling to avoid air bubbles in the mixture during use and to facilitate the spreading operation. A steel trowel can also be used to speed up spreading if necessary. If a thickness of 20.0 mm is required, apply "MA Shap" product in 2 layers. The time between layers can be 60-90 minutes depending on the temperature. Protect the surface where the product is applied from wind and direct sunlight for 24 hours. Recommendations. If the temperature of the environment in which "MA Shap" is used is below +50C and above +300C, the necessary temperature must be ensured. It should not be used in hot (+300C), rainy and windy weather. All after use tools and supplies should be cleaned with water.

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